This blogpost is the final one of four looking at the Transforming Care programme through the prism of the national statistics regularly produced by NHS Digital/NHS England, updating a series of blogposts I last updated in 2022.
The first blogpost looked at statistics on the number of people being admitted to inpatient services, and where they were being admitted from.
The second blogpost looked at how far people were from home and how long they were staying in inpatient services.
This final blogpost will focus on the number of people leaving inpatient services (charmingly called ‘discharge’) and what is happening leading up to people leaving. Getting people out of inpatient units has arguably been the major focus of activities under the Transforming Care/Building The Right Support banner. Again, at this point the impact of these programmes should be visible in the number of people getting ready to leave, how well people’s plans to do so are developing, and how many people are actually leaving to places outside inpatient services.
The first and most obvious question is whether people in inpatient services have a planned date to leave. The graph below shows the proportion of people in inpatient services with a planned date for transfer, from March 2015 to March 2023 (according to Assuring Transformation data). There have been some fluctuations over time but there is an overall trend of things improving up to March 2019, and things worsening from then to March 2023 where the figures look in some ways slightly worse than in March 2015. In March 2023 there was no planned transfer date for 57% of people in inpatient units, compared to 50% of people in March 2015. In March 2023, 18% had a planned transfer date within 6 months, although for 10% of people their planned transfer was overdue.
In addition to planned transfer dates, do we know anything about the plans themselves?
Well, if people are leaving the inpatient unit to go home in some sense then my expectation would be that the person’s local council should be aware of the plan to leave. The graph below shows information from Assuring Transformation based just on those people with a plan to leave – for this group of people, are councils aware of the plan? Over time, the proportion of people with a plan that their council is aware of dropped substantially from 2015 to 2019, although this has improved again up to March 2023. Despite this recent improvement, by March 2023 the proportion of planned transfers where the council was aware (63%) was still lower than it was in March 2015 (69%). Of concern is that in March 2023 for 22% of people with a planned transfer it wasn’t known whether the council was aware of the plan or not, an improvement from 2019 but still worse than in March 2015 (7%). At the very least this suggests that the close working between health and social care envisaged as central to Transforming Care/Building The Right Support is less than universal.
There are other signs too of haste in planning for people to leave. The Assuring Transformation statistics report whether a range of people (the person themselves, a family member/carer, an advocate, the provider clinical team, the local community support team, and the commissioners) have agreed the plan to leave. For those people with a plan to leave, the graph below reports the proportion of their plans that have been agreed by different people, from March 2016 to March 2023. Over time, the proportion of plans agreed by anyone and everyone potentially involved has plummeted. Only 27% of plans had been agreed by the person themselves in March 2023, compared to over two thirds of people (69%) in March 2016. Similar drops are reported for the proportion of family/carers (from 60% to 23%) and advocates (from 64% to 26%) agreeing the plans.
By March 2023, transfer plans had been agreed by a minority of provider clinical teams where the person was supposed to be moving to (from 83% in March 2016 to 31% in March 2023), a minority of local community support teams in the area the person was supposed to be moving to (from 69% to 28%) and a minority of those commissioners who are reporting the information the graph is based on! (from 83% to 31%). To what extent are these actually feasible and sustainable plans that will result in a better life at home for people in inpatient services, and what are their chances of breaking down?

The final graph in this blogpost series is one of the most important – how many people have actually been transferred from inpatient services, and where have they gone? The graph below adds up monthly ‘discharges’ from inpatient services in the Assuring Transformation dataset in six yearly blocks, from October 2015 through to September 2022. It’s also one of the most complicated graphs in this series, so I’ll go through it in a bit of detail.
The first thing to say is that overall the number of people ‘discharged’ from inpatient services increased from 2015/16 (2045 people) to 2017/18 (2,265 people), but has since decreased to 1,710 people in 2021/22 (although the COVID-19 pandemic undoubtedly had an impact on the number of people leaving inpatient units, this presumably isn't a continuing issue into 2022?).
Of the people who have been ‘discharged’, in 2021/22 almost one third of people (525 people; 31%) moved to independent living or supported housing. Another third of people (540 people; 32%) moved to their family home with support, making almost two thirds of everyone ‘discharged’ from inpatient services (63%). This is a big increase from the 41% of people 'discharged' to these living circumstances in 2015/16.
Where did everyone else go? For almost two fifths of people in 2021/22 (305 people; 18%) their ‘discharge’ was actually a transfer to another inpatient unit, confirming the picture of ‘churn’ of people passed around inpatient services found elsewhere in this series. Around one in six people (270 people; 16%) moved into residential care. Given that some inpatient services have re-registered themselves as residential care homes with the CQC and a panoply of 'step-down' and other services are registered as care homes, it is unclear to what extent people are leaving an inpatient service to move somewhere more local and homely, moving somewhere very similar to where they were, or not actually moving at all.
In 2021/22, there were also another 165 people (10%) who moved to an ‘other’ location – again it is unclear what these ‘other’ places are, but are they wildly different from where people were moving from?.
Overall, there are signs of some changes over time in where people are being ‘discharged’ to. Fewer 'discharges' are to other hospital inpatient units and residential care, and more 'discharges' are to people's families with support.
So in this final post in the series, there are definite signs that Transforming Care/Building The Right Support has not continued to support the 'discharge' of more people out of inpatient services, although almost two thirds of those people who are leaving are now moving to independent or supported living or back to the family home. There are real worries about the feasibility and sustainability of some of these plans, and the extent to which many people ‘leaving’ inpatient services are actually leaving for something radically different or being churned around a system that doesn’t call itself an inpatient service system but looks mighty similar to the people living within it. The fact that for around one in six people being 'discharged', they are actually being moved to another inpatient unit, is to my mind something of an indictment of the inpatient service 'system' and Transforming Care's lack of fundamental impact upon it.
None of these past four blogposts gets to the heart of what this failure has done to countless people and those close to them since the BBC Winterbourne View programme was aired (and in the years and decades before then). Surely the government must see that, after 12 years, something radically different is required?